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Total Posts: 4
React Function Components with Examples
React function components are like Javascript functions that can receive props and return react elements. They can not have state hence called stateless components.
Jun 20 20232 min read
React Class Component with Examples
A class component is a Javascript class which extends React.Component class. Class component defines methods that get executed during the lifecyle of that component.
Jun 20 20232 min read
React Components Explained with Examples
Components can be difficult to understand if you are new to ReactJS. In short, they are the core building blocks of an application. A react component is an independent and reusable piece of code.
Jun 04 20232 min read
How to use Context API with SSR in Next.js app
SSR is a mechanism in Next.js that receives data from the server side on each request and then passes this data to the page via props.
Jan 07 20232 min read